I'm using active model serializers to render JSON responses from a rails controller.
I have a controller action like this:
def show
@foo = Foo.find(params[:id])
if @foo.user == current_user
render json: @foo, serializer: FooSerializer
render json: @foo, serializer: TrimmedFooSerializer
I want to be able to test which serializer has been used in my Rspec controller tests. Is it possible to get a reference to the serializer from the tests?
I don't think this a correct use of the serializer. I now have logic in the serializer itself to conditionally include attributes. The controller shouldn't really care about which serializer to use.
You can try this. I am assuming that you are using factory_girl
. You can write the other test by returning a different user for current_user
describe "show" do
it "should use FooSerializer to serialize if the logged in user is the same as params user" do
user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
FooSerializer.any_instance.should_receive(:to_json).and_return("{\"key\": \"value\"")
get :show, :id => user.id
response.should be_success