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Output Cache problem on ViewEngine that use 2 separate view for 1 controller

To the sake of simplicity, please try out this. Basically, I am trying to do the mobile view engine, but then i found out that I have outputcache, which will cache one of 2 view (PC view) and then when i tried to access through mobile, it automatic show PC view.

So is there anyway to avoid this problem while still keeping the outputcache?



  • Is your problem that out of the box variance from Outputcache (varibyparam, varybycostum, varybyquerystring) is not enough?

    If you need a cache that has variance by some route value then this might help you.

    or this:

    I havn't tried these solutions but maybe they get you started.

    EDIT At the time I wrote this answer I thought that Outputcache has no varinace by route values. But it realy has. Each URL has its own cache entry.