I'm building a complex angular app which has infinity scrolling with marsonry-like columns and images. I did a research and I writted my own directive to render the data for me:
angular.module('deepsy.flexgrid', []);
angular.module('deepsy.flexgrid').directive('flexgrid', [
function initialize(flexgridFactory) {
return flexgridFactory.create();
angular.module('deepsy.flexgrid').factory('flexgridFactory', [
function initialize(FlexGrid, $log) {
function Creator() {
this.restrict = 'AE';
this.scope = {
'model': '=source',
'opts': '=options'
this.$$grid = null;
this.link = this.$$link.bind(this);
Creator.prototype.$$link = function $$link(scope, elem, attrs) {
scope.itemTemplate = attrs.template;
scope.mother = scope.$parent;
scope.template = elem.html();
this.$$grid = new FlexGrid(scope, elem);
return {
create: function create() {
return new Creator();
angular.module('deepsy.flexgrid').factory('FlexGrid', [
function($compile) {
function FlexGrid(scope, elem) {
this.scope = scope;
this.elem = elem;
this.state = null;
this.counter = 0;
this.id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 999);
window.onresize = this.$watchSize.bind(this);
this.scope.$watch(function() {
return this.scope.model;
}.bind(this), this.$applyData.bind(this), true);
FlexGrid.prototype.$getColumns = function() {
var curr = null,
width = document.body.clientWidth,
min, max;
for (var i in this.scope.opts.columns) {
curr = this.scope.opts.columns[i];
min = curr.min || 0;
max = curr.max || 99999;
if (min < width && width < max) {
this.state = curr;
return curr;
FlexGrid.prototype.$createColumns = function() {
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.state.columns; i++) {
output.push('<div id="flexgrid_' + this.id + '_' + i + '" class="gridColumns ' + this.state.class + '"></div>');
FlexGrid.prototype.$watchSize = function() {
var curr = this.state || {
columns: 0
if (this.state.columns != curr.columns) {
FlexGrid.prototype.$applyData = function(newVal, oldVal) {
var bindings = [],
count = 0;
oldVal.forEach(function(obj) {
newVal.forEach(function(obj) {
if (bindings.indexOf(obj._id) != -1) {
if (count == oldVal.length && oldVal.length > 0) {
// console.log('add');
} else {
// console.log('render');
FlexGrid.prototype.$fillData = function(start) {
var columns = this.state.columns,
len = this.scope.model.length;
if (start === 0) {
this.counter = 0;
for (var i = start; i < len; i++) {
$("#flexgrid_" + this.id + "_" + this.counter).append(this.$compile(this.scope.model[i]));
if (this.counter++ === columns - 1)
this.counter = 0;
//$("img", this.elem).load(function(){
// $(this).parent().fadeIn(700);
FlexGrid.prototype.$compile = function(data) {
var compiled = this.scope.template.replace(/\{\|[^\|\}]*\|\}/gmi, function(exp, val) {
return data[exp.replace(/\|\}|\{\|/gmi, '')];
compiled = compiled.replace('src-image', 'src="' + data.image + '" dinimg');
return compiled;
FlexGrid.prototype.$clearColumns = function(columns) {
for (var j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
$("#flexgrid_" + this.id + "_" + j).empty();
return FlexGrid;
It's working awesome, but there are some performance issues. I was firstly like "hmm.. I may have too many watchers maybe", but then I optimised my code and after executing the following code in the browser console:
(function () {
var root = $(document.getElementsByTagName('body'));
var watchers = [];
var f = function (element) {
if (element.data().hasOwnProperty('$scope')) {
angular.forEach(element.data().$scope.$$watchers, function (watcher) {
angular.forEach(element.children(), function (childElement) {
I figured out that I got only 1 watcher! So the watchers might not be the problem. With this code I have implemented an infinity scrolling. Each element cotains image and text. The problem is that after getting over 200-250 items, my UI starts to lag, even If I have 1 watcher. I thought it can be because of the image size, but after I executed in the Chrome console $(".item").html('')
and cleared the content of all boxes my UI is still not smooth. The problem is not caused by too many DOM elements too because I got only 38 divs total beside the divs rendered by the directive. How I can increase the performance of my app?
Edit: Also a weird thing that I noticed if that even if I remove all elements from the DOM(after rendering them) via $(".item").remove
, the browser still uses 300mb+ RAM.
I would double check the watchers count using the AngularJS Batarang plug-in which has a Performance tab where you can see all the watches.
Here's a summary of how to use chrome dev tools to profile memory.
heap allocation profile : records allocation over time
heap snapshot : records actual allocated objects
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