I want to check what kind of pattern the user is typing and based on that i want to make a server call. Could someone help here?
Here is what i have :
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#search_frwId").tokenInput("http://some rest service here", {
theme: "facebook",
queryParam : "param"
It's possible to pass a function as the first parameter of the setup (in place of a static URL.) If you can get user-input through jQuery, then you may be best to create a custom function to pattern match and generate the relevent URL string.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#search_frwId").tokenInput(getMyRestServer, {
theme: "facebook",
queryParam : "param"
function getMyRestServer(){
var userinput = $("#search_frwId-input-facebook-theme").attr('value');
// or if Jquery 2.x then use
// var userinput = $("#search_frwId-input-facebook-theme").prop('value');
var url = "";
//Do Magic Pattern Matching here
return url;
You need to pass the function in there, not its evaluation