I am trying to implement dynamic dispatch in C, translating from scala. as part of my code in C I have
typedef struct File{
void (**vtable)();
char *node;
int *size;
Node *newFile(char *n, int *s);
int *newFile_Size(Node* n){
return (int *)n->size;
void (*Folder_Vtable[])() = {(VF) &newFile_Size};
Node *newFile(char *n, int *s){
File *temp = NEW(File);
temp->vtable= Folder_Vtable;
return (Node *) temp;
which is the translation of below code in scala:
class File(n: String, s: Int) extends Node(n) {
var size: Int = s
when I compile my C code I get this error:
./solution.c:123:30: note: passing argument to parameter 's' here
Node *newFile(char *n, int *s){
This is how the function is called:
Node* file = newFile("file_to_test", 1);
and I get this warning/error like 5 times. Can someone please explain to me what I am doing wrong here?
Ok so here is the issue:
In your main:
Node* file1 = newFile("file_to_test", 1);
is expecting a reference on integer but you are passing an integer directly.
You should try something like:
int size = 1;
Node* file1 = newFile("file_to_test", &size);
Or (if you don't want to modify your main):
typedef struct File{
void (**vtable)();
char *node;
int size;
Node *newFile(char *n, int s);
// Update other functions