I'm currently trying to retrieve a column from a DataTable that contains columns with object inside some certains columns.
Let see :
(this.CohortGrid.DataSource as DataTable).DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Format("CohortFormation.Name LIKE '*{0}*'", ddlFormation.SelectedItem.Text);
I got these columns inside my DataTable :
[0] : Id
[1] : Name
[2] : Status
[3] : CohortFormation
[4] : RoomCol
[5] : InstructorCol
[6] : EmployeeCol
The column CohortFormation is an object that contains a Id and a Name.
So, I'm trying to retrieve the Name of CohortFormation like this CohortFormation.Name LIKE
but it return me :
Unable to find column
In the Grid View TemplateField I can do <%# Eval("CohortFormation.Name") %>
and it works pretty well. But in the code behind how can I do this?
I just found a solution and it's working pretty well !
I loop through the DataTable and remove the rows that is not equals to the value that is selected in the DropDownList -> ddlFormation.
There is the code :
CohortCollection cohortCol = (CohortCollection)Session["cohortCol"];
foreach(Cohort cohort in cohortCol.ToList())
if(cohort.Status.Id != int.Parse(ddlFormation.SelectedItem.Value))
this.CohortGrid.DataSource = cohortCol;
So, the trick is to loop on the list and not the DataTable and if it's not equals we remove the object. Finally, we bind the data.
It works perfectly !