I need some clarification with regards to use of synchronization
in multi-threaded environment
. I have a small example Class
below. but I am actually finding it hard to make a test case of how the following will work; The reason I want test case is to the understand how synchronization
handles these different scenarios
If a thread
calls SharedResource.staticMethod
, it will acquire the lock
for the class.
does it mean an instance
of SharedResource
, say x, will have to wait till it gets lock
to exectute x.staticMethod
Will synchronization
of this
in a block
, acquires the lock for that section of the code or for entire object
. i.e can another thread
call the same method
on same object
; but execute the remainder of the code that is not part of synchronization block
If the above point is true, having a dummy object
to lock
on does not provide any additional benefit. Correct?
So there are different levels of synchronziations
. Class
level, Object
level, method
level and block level
. so that would mean locks
for these individual levels should exist?
If I acquired a lock on the Object
, another Thread
cannot call any methods
on the same object
, but if I acquired a lock on the method
, another thread
can acquire lock on a different method
. Is this correct?
Some tips on on how to create two threads that act on same object and same method will be helpful (I understand I need to extend Thread
class or implement Runnable
interface). But not sure how to make a two threads call the same method on same object.
class SharedResource {
public Integer x =0;
public static Integer y=0;
Object dummy = new Object();
public Integer z=0;
public synchronized static void staticMethod(){
System.out.println("static Method is called");
public synchronized void incrementX(){
System.out.println("instance method; incrementX");
public void incrementXBlock(){
System.out.println("instance method; incrementXBlock");
public void incrementZ(){
synchronized (dummy) {
System.out.println("synchronized on dummy; incrementZ method ");
public class ThreadSynchronization extends Thread {
I have read these posts, but I am not positive if I understood it clearly.
Java synchronized method lock on object, or method?, Does java monitor include instance variables?
class SharedResource {
public synchronized static void staticMethod(){
System.out.println("static Method is called");
public synchronized void incrementX(){
System.out.println("instance method; incrementX");
does the same as
class SharedResource {
public static void staticMethod(){
synchronized(SharedResource.class) {
System.out.println("static Method is called");
public void incrementX(){
synchronized(this) {
System.out.println("instance method; incrementX");
Simply said, a thread entering a synchronized block will acquire a lock on the specified object for the duration of the block. This implies that at most one thread can execute a synchronized
code block for a particular lock object. Since the Class
instance and a particular instance of that class are different object, synchronized static
methods and synchronized
instance methods do not block each other. But there is no difference between “method level” and “block level”; the important point is which object is chosen for the synchronization.