I'm developing an Installer for a project team to reduce the amount of work they have to do installing it manually.
We are using: Windows 7 x64, Eclipse Kepler
Right now I'm looking for a way to import a .war file using the commandline.
Is there any way to do this via cmd?
First of all, I would not recommend importing the source code from a file in Eclipse if you have a team of developers, as you would be giving everyone a version that will hardly be actual after some days of work. Using some repository (CVS, SVN, GIT) would be the way to go.
If you have your code in a central repository, then you could make a "Project Set" file in Eclipse wich can be imported easily to setup your whole workspace:
This project set might have instructions on how to construct the Workspace based on checkouts of the repositories you need.
If you happen to work at a company that uses some X or Y old-fashioned Source Control tool (or worse, none at all), and you have no chances of implementing one that is compatible with Eclipse (like the three I stated above), then the time you are saving with automating the import of a war file will become irrelevant compared to the source code control issues you will be facing (or the team is facing already).