I can't get the interstitials to show up in my Unity3d Android game.
I have an Android game in Unity (v3.3.4). I have added Facebook functionality using the Facebook SDK (v5.0.3), and it works perfectly fine. I have also added Chartboost functionality using the methods described in the Chartboost Platform Integration: Unity documentation and it is misbehaving.
In Chartboost:
That being said, I have been testing the ads in my game and the interstitial never shows. I have all the event delegates printing everything they receive and not a single value is printed (no errors).
// Events I listen to...
When I look at my app overview in Chartboost I can see that impressions are being counted as if the interstitial was displayed properly.
I think this may have something to do with the Chartboost Android activity not being brought up properly, but I really don't know. I have seen many people talking about multiple plugins causing problems with the Android manifest and the "MAIN ACTIVITY" intent.
I still have the Chartboost activity as the "MAIN ACTIVITY" as it says it should be in the Chartboost documentation so there shouldn't be a problem (typically the problem is Facebook won't work with other plugins activities being marked "MAIN ACTIVITY", but Facebook works fine).
Anyone have any thoughts?
Had a very similar problem myself- contacted their support and as I recall they said the problem is that their Unity plugin seems to be receiving ads intended for the newer version of their SDK that hasn't been implemented for Unity- so the problem is on their side. As a workaround, they provided me with a .jar file that accepts the ads it's receiving. Go ahead and E-mail them about it and they should give you the file without too much of a wait. Hope this helps!