I am working on a j2ee webapp divided in several modules. I have some metadata such as user name and preferences that I would like to access from everywhere in the app, and maybe also gather data similar to logging information but specific to a request and store it in those metadata so that I could optionally send it back as debug information to the user.
Aside from passing a generic context object throughout every method from the upper presentation classes to the downer daos or using AOP, the only solution that came in mind was using a threadlocal "Context" object very similar to a session BTW, and add a filter for binding it on ongoing request and unbinding it on response.
But such thing feels a little hacky since this breaks several patterns and could possibly make things complicated when it comes to testing and debugging so I wanted to ask if from your experience it is ok to proceed like this?
When it comes to testing, the best tool is dependency injection. It allows to inject fake dependencies into the object under test.
And all dependency injection frameworks (Spring, CDI, Guice) have the concept of a scope (where request is one of these scopes). Under the hood, beans stored in the request scoped are indeed associated with a ThreadLocal variable, but this is all done by the dependency injection framework.
What I would do is thus to use a DI framework, which would make request-scope objects available anywhere, but without having to look them up, which would break testability. Just inject a request-scoped object where you want to use it, and the DI framework will retrieve it for you.