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Setting HTML as attributes with directive/$compile

the controller of my module has a property as a string in which I assemble HTML.

Within a directive I try to assign the HTML-string to an attribute of tooltip, that is "tooltip-html-unsafe".

I am able to assign the whole element to this tooltip-attribute. How can I acess the property of the parent scope?

Please see my plunkr for the code given:


  • Two things:

    1. You need to update the value of $scope.contentHTML (just setting the var value isn't updating the $scope value). If you want to just read that value from your directive, you can access it in your linking function with scope.contentHTML.
    2. If you want to be able to set the parent scope's contentHTML property from your directive, you can use the scope property in your directive and set the value to "=". Then you can access it from scope in your linking function. For example:

      app.directive("tooltipView", function($compile) {   
          return {
              restrict: "AE", 
              scope: {
                  tooltipView: "="
              link: function(scope, element, attrs) {

    If you plan to use the "=" sign value for scope in your directive (Number 2 above), you also need to tell your directive which scope value to map to in your HTML. So: <p tooltip-view="contentHTML">Hello {{name}}!</p> would map scope.tooltipView in your linking function to $scope.contentHTML in your controller.

    See the plunkr based off yours: