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Playing sounds on Console - C#

I'm writing a Console application on C# and I want to play a sound when I display texts continuously. This is what I've done :

static SoundPlayer typewriter = new SoundPlayer("typewriter");
static public void print(string str, int delay)
        Thread skipThread = new Thread(skipText);
        textgap = delay;
        foreach (char c in str)
            if (textgap != 0)



typewriter.wav is imported to my project next to the .cs files and I've selected copy always. When I run this code, an error pops out when starting playing the sound saying Please be sure a sound file exists at the specified location. What is wrong here?

EDIT : Changed my code to the following according to Kevin J's answer.

static SoundPlayer typewritter;

    public static void Load()
        Assembly assembly;
        assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
        typewritter = new SoundPlayer(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream

I also should precised to use the path Environment.CurruntDirectory + "typewriter" but nothing changes.


  • Figured out the problem : I just needed to set the SoundLocation property of the SoundPlayer instance :

    SoundPlayer typewriter = new SoundPlayer();
    typewriter.SoundLocation = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "/typewriter.wav";