I have a C++ application that triggers an Akka Actor-based MapReduce system. This I do via a C++ JNI wrapper class MapReduceBridge
and it works fine taking into account that the Akka Actor and the C++ application threads need to synchronize (shown below). The problem is that with this design I'm forced to have my C++ MapReduceBridge
class be a singleton and use static variables because the callback methods registered via RegisterNatives
are global. My question is what's the best way to move into an class instance scope so multiple instances of this C++ MapReduceBridge
can coexist?
The two Java to C++ callbacks accomplish the following:
I use here two callbacks (function callback from Java to C++) using RegisterNatives
, this is the C++ side:
// allow the C++ MapReduceBridge's application thread to wait for the MapReduce system
static boost::mutex mutex_;
static boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock_(mutex_);
static boost::condition_variable callback_condition_;
// callback notification that installation has completed
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL com_sfoam_hpcmom_mapreduce_bridge_BridgeClient_startupCompletedCallback(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) {
log_info << "callback 'startup completed' received";
// callback notification that MapReduce run has completed
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL com_sfoam_hpcmom_mapreduce_bridge_BridgeClient_runCompletedCallback(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj) {
log_info << "callback 'run completed' received";
static const JNINativeMethod kCallbackMethods[] = {
{ "startupCompletedCallback", "()V", (void*)&com_sfoam_hpcmom_mapreduce_bridge_BridgeClient_startupCompletedCallback },
{ "runCompletedCallback" , "()V", (void*)&com_sfoam_hpcmom_mapreduce_bridge_BridgeClient_runCompletedCallback }
MapReduceBridge::MapReduceBridge(std::string env_jar_path) {
// ...
// snippet where the callbacks are registered
const int methods_size = sizeof(kCallbackMethods) / sizeof(kCallbackMethods[0]);
env_->RegisterNatives(bridge_class_, kCallbackMethods, methods_size);
// ...
void MapReduceBridge::run() {
// get BridgeClient's method run and invoke it
env_->CallObjectMethod(bridge_instance_, bridge_run_);
log_info << "run method launched";
// wait for the callback that 'run' has completed
And on the Java side:
* {@inheritDoc}
public void onReceiveResult(double[] results) {
this.results = results;
Following this example my goal is to have the synchronization variables mutex_
, lock_
and callback_condition_
not static but a member of my MapReduceBridge
C++ class and therefore be able to have multiple instances of MapReduceBridge
i.e. the callbacks should execute not statically but in the scope of my current MapReduceBridge
e.g. one possible solution would be to save in Java a pointer to the C++ this
instance and pass that pointer during the callbacks. How can I do that in JNI?
You can store a c/c++ object's address(i.e. pointer) in your Java class as a long. When you return the long to your JNI native layer( as a jlong ), just cast it back to your object pointer.
// callback notification that MapReduce run has completed
JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL com_sfoam_hpcmom_mapreduce_bridge_BridgeClient_runCompletedCallback(JNIEnv* env, jobject obj, jlong ptr) {
log_info << "callback 'run completed' received";
MapReduceBridge * ptr = (MapReduceBridge *)ptr;
//Use ptr now to reference your instance variables
void MapReduceBridge::run() {
// get BridgeClient's method run and invoke it
env_->CallObjectMethod(bridge_instance_, bridge_run_, (long)this );
log_info << "run method launched";
// wait for the callback that 'run' has completed
public void run(long ptr)
this.ptrToMapReduceBridge = ptr;
//do stuff
public void onReceiveResult(double[] results) {
this.results = results;