I'm on Project 8 in Mario Boehmer's book, Beginning Android ADK with Arduino. I'm using a 10k thermistor with the following values but my temperature is reporting as 6531.0C which is obviously incorrect.
long r0 = 10000;
long beta = 4050;
// temperature in kelvin at at 25 celsius
double t0 = 298.15;
// value of second resistor
long additional_resistor = 10000;
// input voltage
float v_in = 5.0;
The readings off the serial monitor are as follows:
currentThermistorResistance: 128378.38
currentTemperatureInDegrees: -22.16
convertedValue: -221
voltageMeasured: 0.36
The full code is as follows:
#include <Max3421e.h>
#include <Usb.h>
#include <AndroidAccessory.h>
#define INPUT_PIN_0 0x0
// Size: 5mm
// Resistance: 10KΩ
// Temperature: -30°C to +125°C
// Tolerance: ±10%
//change those values according to your thermistor's datasheet
// original
// long r0 = 4700;
// long beta = 3980;
long r0 = 10000;
long beta = 4050;
// temperature in kelvin at at 25 celsius
double t0 = 298.15;
// value of second resistor
long additional_resistor = 10000;
// input voltage
float v_in = 5.0;
double r_inf;
double currentThermistorResistance;
AndroidAccessory(const char *manufacturer,
const char *model,
const char *description,
const char *version,
const char *uri,
const char *serial);
AndroidAccessory acc("UW MHCID",
"HCID TempSense",
"A temperature sensing android application",
byte sntmsg[6];
void setup() {
// changed from powerOn() to begin()
// acc.begin();
sntmsg[1] = INPUT_PIN_0;
r_inf = r0 * (exp((-beta) / t0));
void loop() {
if (acc.isConnected()) {
int currentADCValue = analogRead(INPUT_PIN_0);
float voltageMeasured = getCurrentVoltage(currentADCValue);
double currentThermistorResistance = getCurrentThermistorResistance(voltageMeasured);
double currentTemperatureInDegrees = getCurrentTemperatureInDegrees(currentThermistorResistance);
// multiply the float value by 10 to retain one value behind the decimal point before converting
// to an integer for better value transmission
int convertedValue = currentTemperatureInDegrees * 10;
sntmsg[2] = (byte) (convertedValue >> 24);
sntmsg[3] = (byte) (convertedValue >> 16);
sntmsg[4] = (byte) (convertedValue >> 8);
sntmsg[5] = (byte) convertedValue;
acc.write(sntmsg, 6);
// "reverse ADC calculation"
float getCurrentVoltage(int currentADCValue) {
return v_in * currentADCValue / 1024;
// rearranged voltage divider formula for thermistor resistance calculation
double getCurrentThermistorResistance(float voltageMeasured) {
return ((v_in * additional_resistor) - (voltageMeasured * additional_resistor)) / voltageMeasured;
//Steinhart-Hart B equation for temperature calculation
double getCurrentTemperatureInDegrees(double currentThermistorResistance) {
return (beta / log(currentThermistorResistance / r_inf)) - 273.15;
Does anyone have any ideas? My full code is here: https://github.com/pdugan20/hcid-temp-sense
The thermistor in question is a 103 from the following datasheet: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwOn70drOiMfZ0FrZ2VsSVhKQ00/edit?usp=sharing
Well that was silly... I was using a 1k resistor instead of a 10k resistor. Replaced the hardware and it's now working correctly. Thank you all for your help.