I'm working on a project which has the constraint of using java 1.5. My problem is that it is full of boilerplate like this:
Query q = null;
try {
q = getTemplatedQuery("updateConfigurationSyncTimestamps").prepareQuery(false);
q.addParameter("id", copyConfiguration.getId())
.addParameter("targetLastSyncTime", targetSyncTime)
.addParameter("targetLastSuccessfullSyncTime", lastSyncErrors == 0 ? targetSyncTime : null)
.addParameter("lastSyncErrors", lastSyncErrors);
} finally {
if (q != null) {
How can I solve this problem in java 1.5? What I'm trying to achieve is to be able to use a construct like the try-with-resources in java 1.7 or something similar. I just want to close a statement no matter what happens while the program is running but without the boilerplate in the example.
You can use the Apache Commons IOUtils.closeQuietly() in your finally block to reduce it down to one line.