Here I am having the following piece of code:
int a,b,x;
Now the value of x
will be 2 as a
is first being post incremented and then it is being added to b
Following is the compiled byte code :
0 iconst_1
1 dup
2 istore_2 [b]
3 istore_1 [a]
4 iload_1 [a]
5 iinc 1 1 [a]
8 iload_2 [b]
9 iadd
10 istore_3 [x]
So the expression will be equivalent to x = (a++) + b
Now the other expression x=a++++b
, won't compile because of the maximal munch rule. It will become x = (a++) ++ b
and hence compilation error.
Is the above behavior of x=a+++b
because of the precedence of the operator ++ or because of maximal munch rule?
Quoting from Lexical Translations:
The longest possible translation is used at each step, even if the result does not ultimately make a correct program while another lexical translation would.
Thus, the input characters a--b are tokenized (§3.5) as a, --, b, which is not part of any grammatically correct program, even though the tokenization a, -, -, b could be part of a grammatically correct program.
This would explain why
is parsed as
On the other hand, a++++b
is tokenized as a++, ++, b which causes an error.