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JSHint behave differently in Webstorm and Grunt

I have created a new service with Grunt using the angular-generator and then reformatted the code with WebStorm Ctrl+ALT+L as the tabs / spaces seem to be different.

Then when using Grunt and the task JShint complains I get the following errors:

  line 11  col 13  Expected '}' to have an indentation at 15 instead at 13.
  line 14  col 13  Expected '}' to have an indentation at 15 instead at 13.

Another strange issue is that I found that I can enabled JSHint inside WebStorm but then I get issues like

 JSHINT: angular not defined

 Use the function form of use strict

How can I make everything play together nicely i.e. WebStorm and Grunt etc.?

I have the WebStorm plugin for Angular installed.


  • First, you should configure WebStorm to use the same JSHint file as Grunt.

    Go to Project Settings -> Javascript -> Code Quality Tools -> JSHint click Enable and reference to the .jshintrc in your Project.

    Second, you should add this two lines of code at the top of all your JavaScript files:

    /* global angular */
    'use strict';