Am trying to open up an image in a modal. So far everything is working good. Just having one problem.
Am having a homescreen with tabs in the footer.
Now one tab opens up content/index.html
So like, the page opens as index.html#content/index.html
Am loading a modal onclick of an image in the content/index.html file with
onclick = "$('#basic-modal-content').modal();"
Now, this opens the modal well, but it opens on the homescreen rather than on the same screen.
Please help.
if you have href="#"
then you need to prevent default browser behavior which is jump to id with # or if the id is not there jump to top:
onclick="$('#basic-modal-content').modal(); return false;"
but you should not use onclick attribute insitead use jQuery click function:
$('your link selector').click(function(e) {
return false; // or e.preventDefault();