I have a problem with my code, which appeared after i started using steps to draw my UI, I have 3 things being drawn with Batch, and a stage with 2 buttons being drawn by Stage, but only 2 of my "Sprites" are being drawn. Here is the code:
public void render(float delta) {
Gdx.gl.glClearColor(0.95F, 0.95F, 0.95F, 0.95F);
deltaTime = Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime();
generalUpdate(touch, camera, deltaTime, pointer);
batch.draw(Assets.spr_bg, 0, 0);
batch.draw(Assets.spr_title, 540-Assets.spr_title.getWidth()/2, titleY-Assets.spr_title.getHeight()/2);
Assets.font_small.draw(batch, "some text", 540-Assets.font_small.getBounds("(c)2014 HateStone Games").width/2, 1920-64-Assets.font_small.getBounds("(c) HateStone Games").height/2);
It is the text "Some text" which doesn't get drawn, and if i comment it out, it goes crazy, the title sprite doesn't get drawn either, and a gray box appears at random intervals.
Also if I move "stage.draw();" outside of the batch it doesn't get drawn
The Stage
has its own SpriteBatch
, which draws everything. So you begin()
a SpriteBatch
while your other SpriteBatch
is drawing. So call batch.end()
before calling stage.draw()
. This should solve your problem.