I would like to generate a Highcharts scatter chart with oval markers with variable height and width. To create the oval, I'm using a custom marker, and generating the necessary curves in the renderer. However, the required width and height of each oval is different. Ideally, I'd like to specify something akin to
and then use that information when creating the oval in the renderer.
However, Highcharts doesn't like the object as the radius value. Is there a way to pass arbitrary data to the renderer? I'm currently using a hack in which I pass the renderer an index into an external array via the marker radius, but I'm hoping there's a sanctioned way since this is creating some undesirable side effects.
Appreciate any thoughts!
You need to wrap drawPoints function, which uses
point.graphic = graphic = chart.renderer.symbol(
plotX - radius,
plotY - radius,
2 * radius,
2 * radius
but should your custom paramter lik rx/ry in marker, not default r / radius.