Search code examples

YelpSharp returns error "Additional information: No OAuth info available."

I am using @JustinBeckwith's project YelpSharp. I have the config file and I have edited it with my own Yelp API keys. I actually have not wrote a single line of code yet - I am using the tests included with YelpSharp.

Using VS2013 on Windows 7 x64.

Unfortunately when I try to run his (Justin's) tests I run into the error mentioned in the title:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in     

Additional information: No OAuth info available.  Please modify 
Config.cs to add your YELP API OAuth keys

Here (or here - the code is the same as the original) is my config file (I have edited out my keys):

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using YelpSharp;

namespace BusinessResearcher
    class Config
        private static Options _options;

        /// <summary>
        /// return the oauth options for using the Yelp API.  I store my keys in the environment settings, but you
        /// can just write them out here, or put them into an app.config file.  For more info, visit
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Options Options
                if (_options == null)
                    // get all of the options out of EnvironmentSettings.  You can easily just put your own keys in here without
                    // doing the env dance, if you so choose
                    _options = new Options()
                        AccessToken = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("my_code_is_hidden_here_from_stackoverflow", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User),
                        AccessTokenSecret = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("my_code_is_hidden_here_from_stackoverflow", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User),
                        ConsumerKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("my_code_is_hidden_here_from_stackoverflow", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User),
                        ConsumerSecret = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("my_code_is_hidden_here_from_stackoverflow", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User)

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_options.AccessToken) ||
                        String.IsNullOrEmpty(_options.AccessTokenSecret) ||
                        String.IsNullOrEmpty(_options.ConsumerKey) ||
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("No OAuth info available.  Please modify Config.cs to add your YELP API OAuth keys");
                  return _options;

And here is the method from my Form1.cs button(click event):

        Yelp y = new Yelp(Config.Options);
        var task = y.Search("coffee", "seattle, wa").ContinueWith((searchResults) =>
            foreach (var business in searchResults.Result.businesses)


  • Fixed.

    @JustinBeckwith has said that you can put your own keys "without doing the env dance", but I was not sure how to do it. I tried to type it in as a variable, but it kept saying that , is expected. Apparently I have to add them all on one line.

    To solve it change this (from config.cs):

                    AccessToken = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("6iIPqqCxpUTflkTyjBKb0rtUPbnW-z8l", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User),
                    AccessTokenSecret = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("rxA6_mwQwCFjqYoOajs566e8UUw", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User),
                    ConsumerKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("40o625RXM9Cylazmjx8F1A", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User),
                    ConsumerSecret = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("UfOwDu-qRbCLHJFaQ83xEf1Hbgg", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User)

    with this:

    AccessToken = "access_token_here", AccessTokenSecret = "AccessTokenSecret_key", ConsumerKey = "ConsumerKey_key", ConsumerSecret = "ConsumerSecret_key",};