I am trying to make a simple JavaScript guessing game, and my for loop keeps getting skipped! Here is the part of my code that is getting skipped:
for (i = 0; i === tries; i += 1) {
isSkipped = false;
var guessedNumber = prompt("Guess your number now.");
console.log("User guessed number " + guessedNumber);
//check if number is correct
if (guessedNumber === numberToGuess) {
confirm("Hooray, you have guessed the number!");
} else if (guessedNumber > numberToGuess) {
confirm("A little too high...");
} else {
confirm("A little too low...");
and here is the full code:
//declaring variables
var numberToGuess;
var tries;
var i;
var isSkipped = true;
var confirmPlay = confirm("Are you ready to play lobuo's guessing game? The number for you to guess will be a number ranging from 1 to 25."); //does the user want to play?
if (confirmPlay === true) {
console.log("User wants to play");
} else {
window.location = "http://lobuo.github.io/pages/experiments.html";
} //if user wants to play, let them play, else go to website homepage
numberToGuess = Math.floor((Math.random() * 25) + 1); //sets computer-generated number
tries = prompt("How many tries would you like?"); //gets amount of tries
tries = Math.floor(tries); //converts amount of tries to integer from string
for (i = 0; i === tries; i += 1) {
isSkipped = false;
var guessedNumber = prompt("Guess your number now.");
console.log("User guessed number " + guessedNumber);
//check if number is correct
if (guessedNumber === numberToGuess) {
confirm("Hooray, you have guessed the number!");
} else if (guessedNumber > numberToGuess) {
confirm("A little too high...");
} else {
confirm("A little too low...");
if (isSkipped === true) {
console.log("Oh no! The for loop has been skipped!");
If you need any further details, just ask.
When you write:
for (i = 0; i === tries; i += 0) {
the loop repeats as long as the condition i === tries
is true. If tries
is 3, for instance, this condition is not true on the first iteration, and the loop ends immediately.
You should write:
for (i = 0; i < tries; i++) {