This is the code that I have, and its intention is to take a an array, load it with values 1-100, re-arrange them with a random number, and re-sort them. The randomizeArray
function will not compile and I do not understand why. Is it not declared properly? If so, how do I fix it.
I got the error message:
(62): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type'
on the line declaring currPos
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/*Set prototypes for functions used*/
void bubblesortArray(int[],int);
void printArray(int[], int);
void randomizeArray (int[], int);
int main()
const int arraysize = 100;/*Defines the size of the array*/
int mainArr [100];/*Declares the array, with the size above*/
int index = 0;
for(index; index<arraysize; index++)
mainArr[index] = index + 1;
printArray(mainArr, arraysize);
randomizeArray (mainArr, arraysize);
printArray(mainArr, arraysize);
bubblesortArray(mainArr, arraysize);
printArray(mainArr, arraysize);
void printArray(int mainArr[], int arraysize)
int printindex = 0;/*INdex of the printing Array*/
for(printindex; printindex<arraysize; printindex++)/*Prints the values of the Array on the screen*/
printf ("%5d,", mainArr[printindex]);
if(((printindex+1)%10) == 0)
}/*End of print function*/
void randomizeArray (int mainArr [], int arraysize)
int seed = 10;/*Seed for the randon number operation*/
int currPos = 0;
for(currPos; currPos<arraysize; currPos++)
int swapval = rand()% 99;/*Sets a random pointer value for swapping in the array*/
int temp = mainArr[currPos];
mainArr[currPos] = mainArr[swapval];
mainArr[swapval] = temp;
void bubblesortArray(int mainArr[], int arraysize)
int sortloop1 = 0;/*The first index fo the sort algorithm*/
int sortloop2 = 0;/*The second(inner) index fo the sort algorithm*/
for(sortloop1;sortloop1<arraysize;sortloop1++) /*Sort algorithm to get the values in their correct places.*/
int temp=mainArr[sortloop1];
} /*End of sort operation*/
} /*End of inner sorting loop*/
} /* End of sort algorithm*/
}/*End of bubble sort function*/
From the error message in your comment:
(62): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type' `
You are using a compiler that doesn't support C99, or you are not setting it in C99 mode. In C89, variables must be declared in the beginning of a block, so in this piece of code:
void randomizeArray (int mainArr [], int arraysize)
int seed = 10;/*Seed for the randon number operation*/
int currPos = 0;
The variable currPos
must be declared before calling srand
void randomizeArray (int mainArr [], int arraysize)
int seed = 10;/*Seed for the randon number operation*/
int currPos = 0;