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Need Alternative for "body.scrollTop" for Nested DIV to Scroll to Top Within impress.js Slide

I'm using the impress.js framework (which apparently sets strict mode) and get the below message in Google Chrome when trying to scroll a nested DIV to its topmost location:

body.scrollTop is deprecated in strict mode. Please use 'documentElement.scrollTop' if in strict mode and 'body.scrollTop' only if in quirks mode.

So, the below will not work for me when I click my "Scroll Up" button in the hopes of resetting a nested DIV to its top:

$('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: $('#panel-scroller').offset().top });

You can see it fail at my test site:

Can anyone tell me an alternative piece of code which to use, so that I can scroll to the top of the DIV when I click my "Scroll Up" button?

Thank you in advance!


  • the deprecation warning does not break functionality for now.

    at least not on the pages i am using it on.

    the problem is that the $('html,body') elements you animate are at scrollTop 0 already.

    try: $('#tile-row-edit').animate({'scrollTop': 0});

    this even works from the javascript console on your demo.

    have fun
