I was doing some changes to an existing installer in Wix, and I needed to enable .Net 3.5 on Windows 8. This can easily done with the comand "dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /all /NoRestart". (Windows 8 has .Net35 installed bue is disabled)
So I was doing a simple Installer to add to my Bootstrapper that would run this command. The code is below (pastebin):
The problem is that the setup keeps failing when installing... log is below (in pastebin, it is quite extense):
Google didn't show much, tried some custom UI, running as Admin (I already am Administrator)
I'm testing this on a VM with windows 8.1, running the setupo from the Desktop. Also I'm using Wix 3.8 with Visual Studio 2012
Any help will be much appreciated.
I'm pretty sure your MSI file is missing a Component table, it's not running properly and this issue is nothing to do with dism.exe. The log shows error 2205 on the Component table.