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Disable main menu

I have a menu that looks somewhat like the following,

enter image description here

When I open a particular dialog, I want to disable the whole menu. I realize that I can individually disable each menu item by using Update_Command_UIs, but that would mean adding event handlers for a 100 or more menu items. The menu is loaded initially with CMultiDocTemplate. Is there a way to do it by using the ID resource (IDR_MENU)?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


  • I used ,

    CMenu* pMenu = AfxGetMainWnd()->GetMenu();
    if(pMenu != NULL)
        for(UINT i = 0; i < pMenu->GetMenuItemCount (); ++i)
            pMenu->EnableMenuItem(i, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_DISABLED);

    as mentioned in It worked for me.