I am having difficulties with both Toplists and Image right now and I am hoping that someone can help me. Essentially, all I want to do is create a player and playlist with an artists top tracks. I have tried using search since I can't get the desired behaviour out of Toplists, but that hasn't bought me any closer so I thought I'd ask here.
Essentially, the functionality should:
This would seem pretty easy, but it's driving me a little nuts.
You can use the Toplist.forArtist
function for fetching the top 10 tracks by an artist.
The following code fetches the first 10 top tracks for an artist and renders a list view and a player:
require(['$api/toplists#Toplist', '$views/list#List', '$views/image#Image'],
function(Toplist, List, Image) {
var artist = models.Artist.fromURI('spotify:artist:2qk9voo8llSGYcZ6xrBzKx');
var toplist = Toplist.forArtist(artist);
// fetch the 10 most played tracks
toplist.tracks.snapshot(0, 10).done(function(tracks) {
// create temporary playlist
for (var i = 0, l = tracks.length; i < l; i++) {
var track = tracks.get(i);
// append a list view
var listWrapper = document.getElementById('list-wrapper');
var list = List.forPlaylist(playlist);
// append a player
// note that you might have a grey placeholder
// see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17477655
var playerWrapper = document.getElementById('player-wrapper');
var player = Image.forPlaylist(playlist, {player: true});
The JS code refers to 2 placeholders that will contain the views:
<div id="list-wrapper"></div>
<div id="player-wrapper"></div>
Note that due to a problem with mosaic cover images for temporary playlist you may need to replace the default cover placeholder with another image.