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Spotify App API: Creating a player of top tracks from an artist

I am having difficulties with both Toplists and Image right now and I am hoping that someone can help me. Essentially, all I want to do is create a player and playlist with an artists top tracks. I have tried using search since I can't get the desired behaviour out of Toplists, but that hasn't bought me any closer so I thought I'd ask here.

Essentially, the functionality should:

  1. Take an artist name or artist id
  2. Find that artists top 10 tracks
  3. Create a new temporary playlist and add the 10 tracks
  4. Create and insert a player and a playlist

This would seem pretty easy, but it's driving me a little nuts.


  • You can use the Toplist.forArtist function for fetching the top 10 tracks by an artist.

    The following code fetches the first 10 top tracks for an artist and renders a list view and a player:

    require(['$api/toplists#Toplist', '$views/list#List', '$views/image#Image'],
      function(Toplist, List, Image) {
      var artist = models.Artist.fromURI('spotify:artist:2qk9voo8llSGYcZ6xrBzKx');
      var toplist = Toplist.forArtist(artist);
      // fetch the 10 most played tracks
      toplist.tracks.snapshot(0, 10).done(function(tracks) {
        // create temporary playlist
              for (var i = 0, l = tracks.length; i < l; i++) {
                  var track = tracks.get(i);
              // append a list view
              var listWrapper = document.getElementById('list-wrapper');
              var list = List.forPlaylist(playlist);
              // append a player
              // note that you might have a grey placeholder
              // see
              var playerWrapper = document.getElementById('player-wrapper');
              var player = Image.forPlaylist(playlist, {player: true});

    The JS code refers to 2 placeholders that will contain the views:

        <div id="list-wrapper"></div>
        <div id="player-wrapper"></div>

    Note that due to a problem with mosaic cover images for temporary playlist you may need to replace the default cover placeholder with another image.