I have a app with code i want to prettify with prettify.js, but i cant get the apply method to work with angular 1.2. However it works with 1.1.
Because i cannot load the prettify lib on the body load because of angular, i have tried creating a filter like this
App.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
setTimeout(function() {
$scope.text = "function apply() { return 'not working..'; }";
}, 0);
App.filter('pretty', function(){
return function(text) {
return prettyPrintOne(text);
And the HTML
<div ng-app="Knob" ng-controller="myCtrl">
<pre ng-bind-html-unsafe="text|pretty"></pre>
Here the working fiddle: working fiddle.
When angular is changed to 1.2 apply breaks (or maybe something else?)
Failing fiddle (same code, updated angularjs ) broken fiddle
The problem isn't that $apply isn't working, it's that ng-bind-html-unsafe was removed. Check out this answer for more info.