Recently, I use the Html5 framework: "phonejs" to develop a mobile project, when I want to make a toolbar menusheet in empty views,
It seems menu text will show up twice in this demo:
I use it like this:
homeToolbarItems = [
{ location: 'menu', text: 'Logout',clickAction:logout },
{ location: 'center', text: 'Subscribe Manage' }
and the menu shows 'Logout' twice, what can I do?
It appears that the menuItemRenderer is triggering twice. Once on initial view and once on click. I was able to remedy this buggy behavior by added a Initialize flag to the first view render. Then if the flag was tripped do not render the menu items again on additional request. Example...
var menuInit = false;
var viewModel = {
menuItemRenderer: function(itemData, itemIndex, itemElement){
if(menuInit == false){
itemElement.dxButton({ text: "Execute \"" + itemData.text + "\" action" });
menuInit = true;