I need suggestions about writing better code in Revealing Module Pattern way. I have followed tutorial http://weblogs.asp.net/dwahlin/archive/2011/09/05/creating-multiple-javascript-objects-when-using-the-revealing-module-pattern.aspx which help me a lot to understand basics of this pattern. I am trying to create basic image slider. Please check jsfiddle link,
var Slider = window.Slider = window.Slider || {};
Slider = (function($){
var $reelWrap = $('.fnSlider'),
$reel = $('.fnSlider').children('ul'),
$slide = $reel.children('li'),
slideWidth = $slide.width(),
numSlides = $slide.length,
reelWidth = numSlides*slideWidth,
$prev = $('.prev'),
$next = $('.next'),
init = function(){
pageLoad = function(){
var index = 2;
$reel.css('width', reelWidth);
$reel.css('left', -(index*slideWidth));
nextSlide = function(){
var index = $reel.children('.fnActive').index() + 1;
var scroll = index * slideWidth;
if(index < numSlides){
$reel.animate({left: -(scroll)}).children().removeClass('fnActive');
$reel.animate({left: 0}).children().removeClass('fnActive');
prevSlide = function(){
var index = $reel.children('.fnActive').index() - 1;
var scroll = index * slideWidth;
var lastScroll = (numSlides-1) * slideWidth;
if(index == "-1"){
$reel.animate({left: -(lastScroll)}).children().removeClass('fnActive');
$reel.animate({left: -(scroll)}).children().removeClass('fnActive');
return {
init: init
What I want to know is -
1) is there better way to write same carousel functionality after code review
2) how to create multiple objects (instances) I tried -
var slider1, slider2;
slider1 = Slider();
slider2 = Slider();
which causes error TypeError: Slider is not a function
3) is it a correct way to keep global and private functions
4) suggestios if any
Thanks for your time going through this :)
If you want to create multiple instances, I suggest that you return a constructor function in your module:
var Slider = (function($){
function slider(id){ // <- 'foo' is an example of a constructor argument
// (1 and 12 below when the instances are created)
this.id = id; // <- something specific for each instance
// this.$reelWrap = ...
slider.prototype = {
init: function(){
pageLoad: function(){
console.log('pageLoad called from instance with id', this.id);
getId: function(){
return this.id; // <- 'this' refers to the current instance
return slider;
var slider1 = new Slider(1);
var slider2 = new Slider(12);
var Vehicle = function(engine, speed){
this.engine = engine;
this.speed = speed || "786km/Hr";
Vehicle.prototype.engineInfo = function(){
console.log("this vehicle has engine " + this.engine);
var Porsche = function(engine, speed, carName){
Vehicle.apply(this, arguments);
// I stucked here and got answer
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8605788/
// javascript-call-and-apply-functions-only-called-on-first-argument
// it means Vehicle functions arguments got copied here am I right :)
// J: The point is to call the 'base class' contructor with the arguments
// that you provide when you create a new Porsche as well.
// In other words, engine and speed will be set correctly in the
// Vehicle constructor when you create a new Porsche()
this.carName = carName;
Porsche.prototype = Object.create(Vehicle.prototype);
// Porsche.prototype = new Vehicle();
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4166616/
// understanding-the-difference-between-object-
// create-and-new-somefunction-in-j
// hmm need more time to go into this :)
// J: The difference is that if you just do Porsche.prototype = new Vehicle();
// The Vehicle constructor will be called even if you don't create an instance
// of Porsche
Porsche.prototype.constructor = Porsche;
// I stucked here and got http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9343193/
// why-set-prototypes-constructor-to-its-constructor-function
// J: I would say that it's good practice to do it, but I've personally never
// found any uses of that property.
Porsche.prototype.speedInfo = function(){
console.log("this vehicle has speed " + this.speed);
var cayMan1 = new Porsche("Engine UV", "500km/hr", "CayMan");
var cayMan2 = new Porsche("Engine Ultra", "100km/hr", "911");