I know how a static init block works.
Can anyone please tell me some typical uses of it.
When you want to initialize one or more static variables in one place
It is useful, because you can apply exception handling, which is not possible with the in-line initialization.
For example:
public static ImageIcon defaultIcon = ImageIO.read(..);
can be initialized with
public static ImageIcon defaultIcon;
static {
try {
defaultIcon = ImageIO.read(..);
} catch (IOException ex){
System.out.println("No default icon available");
Another application is complex initialization. For example, if an item requires more than one line of code to be initialized. Let's say you have a configuration:
public static Configuration configuration;
static {
confuguration = new Configuration();
A third usage is to initialize some external API infrastructure. One example from my current project:
static {
But, as Mykola Golubyev noted, static initialization blocks make code less readable, so use them with caution. static methods do the same thing more transparently.