I want to access a variable through out my page. The var is declared inside a ui:repeat element. Heard that the scope of the variable in only inside the repeat tag. I want to load another div on the same page which need the details inside this var. How can I achieve this.
<ui:repeat var="errorDetails"
value="#{adminDashboardController.errorDetails}" varStatus="status">
<td><h:commandButton class="btn btn-primary btn-xs view-issue"
value="View" /></td>
<h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">#{errorDetails.issueName}</h4>
The errorDetails
variable is only available in the scope of the ui:repeat
You have here two options:
HTML/JS solution: Generate HTML code which contains one <h4...>#{errorDetails.issueName}</h4>
for each line of your table and use JavaScript to display the right block when pressing on the command button.
I think that this option should be only used for performance reason, because you will generate lot of HTML and because as a JSF developer you usually prefer to avoid coding custom things in JavaScript.
JSF solution (my preferred one): use a backing bean to hold the currently viewed error detail. That would be something like this:
<ui:repeat var="errorDetails" value="#{adminDashboardController.errorDetails}" varStatus="status">
<h:commandButton ... action="#{adminDashboardController.showDetails(errorDetails)" update="myModalLabel" />
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{adminDashboardController.currentDetail != null}">
<h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">#{adminDashboardController.currentDetail.issueName}</h4>
The AdminDashboardController.showDetails
methods would save the given error detail in a the field currentDetail