EDIT: I want to use a string rectString because I will be using a loop to get all the rectangles and checking to see if any of them have a specific property.
I have a set of rectangles, say their names are 'rect1' , 'rect2' , and 'rect3'. I have been trying to search different ways to search my stage such as:
var rectString="rect1";
var method1= stage.get(rectString)[0];
var method2= stage.get(rectString);
var method3 =stage.find(rectString);
var method4=node.getAttr(rectString);
and unfortunately none of these work. I am trying to get the stroke color of the shape and then change it using the ID of the shape. Thanks for your help
This will get all the rectangles on the stage into a collection:
var allRectangles=stage.find("Rect");
Then you can apply a function to each rectangle like this:
// run a function for each element in the allRectangles collection
// check if this rect has a red stroke
// if the stroke is red, change the stroke to blue