I am new to scripting. How can I write an Expect script to ssh into a device and prompt the user for password? We use a pin + RSA token code as the password so I can't store the password.
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn ssh device1
I have used this code before to achieve what you wish to achieve. You can take it as a reference point to write your own version of the code.
#!/usr/bin/env expect -f
set passw [lindex $argv 0]
#timeout is a predefined variable in expect which by default is set to 10 sec
set timeout 60
spawn ssh $user@machine
while {1} {
expect {
eof {break}
"The authenticity of host" {send "yes\r"}
"password:" {send "$password\r"}
"*\]" {send "exit\r"}
#spawn_id is another default variable in expect.
#It is good practice to close spawn_id handle created by spawn command
close $spawn_id
Source: Expect Wiki