I have a codepen representing my question: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/ibwvl
In the codepen, I create some simple plugin init functions and log out the settings when the app begins to run.
My question is, when I console.log(app.settings)
I see my default object, along with the new options object merged together, but I do not see the last key inside of me defaults object (foo3). Is this because the default object is overwritten by the options object when $.extend()
runs? If so, is there any way to merge nested objects with $.extend()?
For clarity:
default object:
var defaults = {
test: 'foo',
obj: {
key1: null,
key2: null,
key3: 'foo3'
options object:
obj: {
key1: 'foo1',
key2: 'foo2'
result when logging app.settings
test: 'foo',
obj: {
key1: null,
key2: null
Where did key3
Was it overwritten because of the options plugin defining the new obj as obj: {}
If so, how can I use extend with nested objects and ensure they don't get overwritten?
Yes, you object is being overwritten. But fortunately, $.extend
accept boolean as first parameter that allow deep extension.
Just do :
app.settings = $.extend(true, defaults, options); //this will override defaults
app.settings = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, options); //this will not
//app.settings will be the same with both way