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How to clean the list of previous "command line" in execute maven goal window of intellij ce

IntelliJ CE is great integrating maven execution for modules.

Im using IntelliJ CE 13, and for custom maven executions i'm using the "Execute maven goal" window. enter image description here

A great feature it has is it remembers all (and i mean all) of the previous executions, which is a great thing to avoid typing over and over the same command.

BUT, if anytime you type a really long command, the window gets resized to fit in the command, so it's a little bit annoying to scroll in order to view the "choose module" button.

Is there any way of "cleaning" that list of previous executions???


  • To the best of my knowledge, there is not a way via the UI to clear that list. You may want to open a feature request to do such:

    That said, there is a hack you can do to clear it (or selective items).

    1. Close your project
    2. Go to the .idea directory within your project
      • if you are using file based project and not directory based project settings, you can search the .iws file for the following
    3. Backup the workspace.xml file
    4. Open the workspace.xml file
    5. Do a search for <component name="mavenExecuteGoalHistory">
      • It's path is: /project/component[@name='mavenExecuteGoalHistory']
    6. Delete any or all of the <option> elements within that <component> element
    7. Save the file and reopen your project.