i am after making an news ticker and its the first time ive come across this website.
and ive got the code all set up as this
<div class="news_ticker"><link href="LPMS\production_scn\jquery_news_ticker\styles\ticker-style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="LPMS\production_scn\jquery_news_ticker\includes\jquery.ticker.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<ul id="js-news" class="js-hidden">
<li class="news-item"><a href="#">This is the 1st latest news item.</a></li>
<li class="news-item"><a href="#">This is the 2nd latest news item.</a></li>
<li class="news-item"><a href="#">This is the 3rd latest news item.</a></li>
<li class="news-item"><a href="#">This is the 4th latest news item.</a></li>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
im assuming it all goes in the 1 div? it simple lists latest items news instead of scrolling or anything, its almost as if its not picking up the jquery but i have rooted it to find the source, can anyone shed any light on this for me?
with thanks to Java_User i have managed to get it to somewhat work, now my issues is it wont display what i ask it to output, it only shows a line even when i change the text /input.
my code now is.. this is in the head
<link href="/LPMS/production_scn/jquery_news_ticker/styles/ticker-style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="/LPMS/production_scn/jquery_news_ticker/includes/jquery.ticker.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
this is at the bottom of the page ( the rest of the page is empty to avoid any conflictions for now!)
<div class="clear_line"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
<!-- News Feed ticker - use jquery to scroll ticker!! -->
<div class="news_feed">
<img src="/LPMS/images/news/breaking_news.png" style="border-style:none;">
<div class="news_ticker"><ul id="js-news" class="js-hidden">
<li class="news-item"><a href="#">This is the 1st latest news item.</a></li>
<li class="news-item"><a href="#">This is the 2nd latest news item.</a></li>
<li class="news-item"><a href="#">This is the 3rd latest news item.</a></li>
<li class="news-item"><a href="#">This is the 4th latest news item.</a></li>
</ul> </div></div>
any ideas why it displays just an underscore _ like that? its doing my head in!
i found that putting the ticker script into a seperate .js file works flawlessly.
taking this out:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
and putting it into its own .js file and calling it has allowed it to work for me.