I have this class library project sitting in a solution.
My need is to be able to embed resources (all files from 'Resources' folder) into DatabaseResources.resx and compile it all into an assembly, on the fly.
I tried CSC and was able to compile it
csc /target:library /out:MyClassLibrary.dll /res:ContentChangeLog.gz /res:CountryBillingRules.gz /res:Finance.gz /res:Instructions.xml /res:Language.gz /res:Masters.gz /res:wbs.gz /res:wbsList.gz
But, MyClassLibrary.dll should be exposing these resources thru DatabaseResources.resx so that others can find it- MyClassLibrary.DatabaseResources.(resource name)
I couldn't find a way to do the same with CSC.
Any help appreciated.
I guess what you are looking for is MsBuild.
a good explanation here - Some confusions about Command Line Compiler and MSBuild