I create a polygon annotation on my chart and would like to know how to fill the chart with color only outside of the drawn polygon. I'm using Jfreechart 1.0.17.
I do it this way at the moment:
Color plotBackground = (Color) plot.getBackgroundPaint();
plot.setBackgroundPaint(new Color(0xff0000));
XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer
= (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) plot.getRenderer();
XYPolygonAnnotation a = new XYPolygonAnnotation(new double[] {2.0,
5.0, 2.5, 8.0, 3.0, 5.0, 2.5, 2.0}, null, null,
new Color(plotBackground.getRed(), plotBackground.getGreen(),
plotBackground.getBlue(), 255));
But it is not really what I want, we can't see grid lines this way.
Here is possible solution :
Rectangle2D r2d = new Rectangle2D.Double(plot.getQuadrantOrigin().getX(),
3.2, 9);
Area a1 = new Area(r2d);
Path2D.Float p = new Path2D.Float();
p.moveTo(2.0, 5.0);
p.lineTo(2.5, 8.0);
p.lineTo(3.0, 5.0);
p.lineTo(2.5, 2.0);
Area a2 = new Area(p);
XYShapeAnnotation a = new XYShapeAnnotation(a1, new BasicStroke(),
new Color(0xff0000),
new Color(0xff0000));
renderer.addAnnotation(a, Layer.BACKGROUND);
Looking into jfreecharts source code the annotations are always drawn after gridlines are painted. So there seems to be no possiblity to draw them before the gridlines. I would give the XOR - mode drawing a try.
XYPolygonAnnotation a = new XYPolygonAnnotation(new double[]{2.0,
5.0, 2.5, 8.0, 3.0, 5.0, 2.5, 2.0}, null, null,
new Color(plotBackground.getRed(), plotBackground.getGreen(),
plotBackground.getBlue(), 255)) {
public void draw(Graphics2D g2, XYPlot plot, Rectangle2D dataArea, ValueAxis domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, int rendererIndex, PlotRenderingInfo info) {
Graphics2D g22 = (Graphics2D) g2.create();
g22.setXORMode(new Color(0xff0000));
super.draw(g22, plot, dataArea, domainAxis, rangeAxis, rendererIndex, info);
renderer.addAnnotation(a, Layer.BACKGROUND);
With xor combined drawing the annotations are somekind merged with the background and the gridlines. So the following result appears: