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jasmine node testin child process callback

I have an async function that returns a callback with a status code and path if successful. I would like to use jasmine to test that I receive that status code and have the path be assigned to all future tests. I keep getting an undefined value for my tests...

function make_valid(cb){
    var vdt = child.spawn('node', base,
        {cwd: ims_working_dir, stdio: ['pipe', 'pipe', 'pipe']},
        function (error, stdout, stderr) {
            if (error !== null) {
                console.log('spawn error: ' + error);
    vdt.stdout.on('data', function(data) {});

    vdt.on('close', function(code) {

        if (code === 0) {
            cb(null, '/home/');
        } else {
            cb(null, code);

describe("IMS", function(cb) {
    var path;
    jasmine.getEnv().defaultTimeoutInterval = 40000;

    beforeEach(function(done, cb) {
        console.log('Before Each');
        path = make_valid(cb);

    it("path should not be null", function() {

Here is the output:


  1) IMS path should not be null
     Expected undefined to be defined.
     Error: Expected undefined to be defined.
    at null.<anonymous> (/home/evang/Dev/dataanalytics/IMS_Tester/spec/ims-spec.js:46:16)
    at Timer.listOnTimeout [as ontimeout] (timers.js:110:15)

Finished in 0.014 seconds

1 test, 1 assertion, 1 failure, 0 skipped

If i get the path passed in the beforeEach declaration I want to write more tests where I parse the file. I think I am dealing with the callbacks incorrectly or maybe I need to use a spy. Let me know!


  • You are setting path with the return value of the make_valid function, yet that function returns nothing.

    When I've used jasmine, I had success with the done() callbacks only for the tests themselves (the it() functions).

    When needing an asynchronous function before each test, I used their runs() and waitsFor() functions.

    Try some code like this (modified for your example):

    var code = null;
    beforeEach( function() {
      // get a token so we can do test cases. async so use jasmine's async support
      runs( function() {
        make_valid( function( error, returnCode ) {
          if( error ) code = "ERROR_CODE";
          else code = returnCode;
        } );
      } );
      waitsFor( function() {
        return code !== null;
      } );
      runs( function() {
        expect( code ).toBeDefined();
      } );
    } );
    afterEach( function() {
      code = null;
    } );

    EDIT: Based on our comments, a suggested approach for a one-time asynchronous test that applies to other tests down the line would be this sample-spec.js. The inner tests will not pass if the outer it() does not use done().

    /*jslint node: true */
    "use strict";
    describe( "The full, outer test", function() {
      var code = null;
      it( "should setup for each inner test", function(done) {
        make_valid( function( error, returnCode ) {
          expect( returnCode ).toBeDefined();
          code = returnCode;
        } );
      } );
      describe( "The inner tests", function() {
        it( "inner test1", function() {
          expect( code ).not.toBeNull();
        } );
        it( "inner test2", function() {
          expect( code ).toBe(200);
        } );
      } );
    } );
    function make_valid( callback ) {
      setTimeout( function(){ callback( null, 200 ); }, 500 );