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flask url parameters with spaces generates urls with spaces

I'm trying to pass a user supplied string as a Flask URL parameter. url_for(func_name, param="string with spaces") or similar generates a URL with spaces.

If the user enter a string with spaces the generated url has spaces it seems to work.

Also if I enter a URL with %20 it seems to redirect to a url with spaces. I thought URLs with spaces were a bad idea.

How do I get it to work right (url_for and redirection)? Or should I just accept it?

P.S. Is passing a user supplied string as a parameter safe? If not how should I sanitize the user input string?


  • No, Flask generates URLs properly URL encoded; demoing with an existing application:

    >>> with app.test_request_context('/'):
    ...     print url_for('', city='new york')

    Your browser on the other hand may elect to show such URLs decoded for ease of reading.

    url_for() quotes input to be URL-safe; encoded URLs cannot contain values that could be interpreted as HTML, so you are safe there as far as user-supplied values are concerned.