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ViewExpiredException error page not shown

I leave some tabs open with forms and when I press the command buttons (after some time when the session expires) I receive a java script alert saying:

serverError: class javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException viewId:/register.xhtml - View /register.xhtml could not be restored.

On firefox (glassfish 4 locally)

I have added :


in my web.xml but I am not redirected to my index. Why is that ?

Edit: sample button

<h:commandButton value="Register" action="#{userController.register}">
    <f:ajax execute="@form" render="@form" />

UserController is ViewScoped


  • That's expected behaviour, if you look at sections and of the JSF-2.2 spec, at least if you have


    in your web.xml (it silently ignores the error in production mode). The JSF client-side code sends an AJAX request when you click that button and receives


    with your ViewExpiredException in the response. The client-side code is then expected to react to that error information. Register a function with onerror (on the f:ajax tag) or addOnError (on the jsf.ajax object) to handle error yourself.

    Since a lot of folks expect the server to direct the client on such an issue, omnifaces includes the FullAjaxExceptionHandler that basically resets your response and sends the error page you specified.

    See also:

    Session timeout and ViewExpiredException handling on JSF/PrimeFaces ajax request