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Issues in expand/collapse in Excel using MSSAS

I am trying to browse a cube in Excel. When i try to expand the year dimension all 4 quarters displays well, but when i drill down further i got some display issues described as below, although the response which I am getting of the MDX query is fine

Please refer the below pictures for clarity:

when I expand 4 quarter of 2004 its working fine, but on expanding any other quarter of 2002, 2003 etc, 2002(dimension first member) is getting displayed. Please share your view or let me know if you require any more info.

One more thing, After generating response of drilldownmember query, excel again sends the MDSCHEMA_MEMBER query with hierarchy name in the memberuniquename tag...


  • Thank U Guys for your time... @FrankPl yes the quarters were uniquely identified. Actually the issue was due to incorrect ordering of default property in the Axis Rowset. Got the idea from here: