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How to extract a part of the url through regular expression in textwrangler?

My work involves manipulating lots of data. I use textwrangler as text editor but I guess the things would remain the same on all text editors.

So I have a url[]=sort%3Dpopularity&sid=812%2Cf13&offer=GsdOfferOnWatches07.&ref=4c83d65f-bfaf-4db6-b5f5-d733d7b1d2af

The above one is a sample url

I want to capture the text GsdOfferOnWatches07. i.e text from offer= and till &ref using regular expression on textwragler Ctrl+F feature.

How can I do that?


  • $link = '[]=sort%3Dpopularity&sid=812%2Cf13&offer=GsdOfferOnWatches07.&ref=4c83d65f-bfaf-4db6-b5f5-d733d7b1d2af';
    preg_match('/offer=(.*?)&ref/', $link, $match);      
    echo $match[1];'