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Ext Js and zeroclipboard

I have added an actioncolumn inside my grid. On the actioncolumn handler(click) I want to use the zeroclipboard library to copy the text to the clipboard.

I have encountered a few problems. Sometimes I need multiple clicks on my actioncolumn to trigger the copy. Sometimes I have to refresh the page to trigged the copy.

My actioncolumn handler:

handler: function(view, rowIndex, colIndex, item, e, record, row){

   ZeroClipboard.config({moviePath: 'resources/js/zeroclipboard/ZeroClipboard.swf'});
   var client = new ZeroClipboard(;

   client.on('load',function(client) {

    client.on('datarequested', function(client) {
        client.setText("Text to be copied");

    client.on('complete', function(client, args) {
       // alert("Copied text to clipboard: " + args.text);'UiNotification').showNotification("Link copied to clipboard");

One of possible workarounds is to set the copy text on mouseover but the actioncolumn does not have any other events except the handler.

Please help


  • So the actioncolumn handler is a click? If so, then yes, dynamically attaching ZeroClipboard during a click event is too late. At best, it would be available during a 2nd click; at worst, it could be delayed several clicks (time-wise) as it also needs to asynchronously load the ZeroClipboard SWF file.