I have added an actioncolumn
inside my grid. On the actioncolumn
handler(click) I want to use the zeroclipboard
library to copy the text to the clipboard.
I have encountered a few problems. Sometimes I need multiple clicks on my actioncolumn
to trigger the copy. Sometimes I have to refresh the page to trigged the copy.
My actioncolumn handler:
handler: function(view, rowIndex, colIndex, item, e, record, row){
ZeroClipboard.config({moviePath: 'resources/js/zeroclipboard/ZeroClipboard.swf'});
var client = new ZeroClipboard(e.target);
client.on('load',function(client) {
client.on('datarequested', function(client) {
client.setText("Text to be copied");
client.on('complete', function(client, args) {
// alert("Copied text to clipboard: " + args.text);
Myapp.app.getController('UiNotification').showNotification("Link copied to clipboard");
One of possible workarounds is to set the copy text on mouseover
but the actioncolumn
does not have any other events except the handler.
Please help
So the actioncolumn
handler is a click
? If so, then yes, dynamically attaching ZeroClipboard during a click
event is too late. At best, it would be available during a 2nd click; at worst, it could be delayed several clicks (time-wise) as it also needs to asynchronously load the ZeroClipboard SWF file.