I have an XElement that I have to parse to remove the white space in the closing tag. My code looks like this:
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter(stringBuilder))
stringBuilder.Replace(" />", "/>");
var xml = stringBuilder.ToString();
Basically, I'm making a stringbuilder and replacing the unneeded white space. The resulting string looks fine, except it has the XML declaration. I know that on an XmlWriter, I can omit the declaration with OmitXmlDeclaration
but StringWriter doesn't have this.
Is there a way to do this, or do I need to manually parse out the declaration from the resulting string?
For clarity, here is the before and after XML:
// Before
<actionitem actiontaken="none" target="0" targetvariable="0">
<windowname>Popup Window</windowname>
<nomenubar />
<notoolbar />
<noresize />
<nostatus />
<nolocation />
<browserWnd />
// After
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<actionitem actiontaken="none" target="0" targetvariable="0">
<windowname>Popup Window</windowname>
EDIT: For those that asked, this is for a Department of Defense project. Their specifications are locked in. That means, no white space in the closing tag, no matter how much I protest. Regardless of what's right or not, they don't want it, and they're signing the paycheck. I just try to accommodate them.
Use ToString()
instead of Save()
. That eliminates the need for the StringBuilder too.
string xml = xelement.ToString(); // no declaration element added
xml = xml.Replace(" />", "/>"); // if you really think you must