Student s1 = new Student();
s1.rollNo = "44"; = "kk";
Student s2 = new Student();
s2.rollNo = "44"; = "kk";
here I am saving two object s1 and s2 in DB4o Database and both object are saved even though they have duplicate information , what I want is same rollNo student should be saved only once just like relational databases using primary key. I know that DB4o save objects based on reference address, correct me if I am wrong. Please let me know if there is any way to achieve primary key functionality to avoid Data Redundancy in DB4o.
db4o tracks object by their identity. So if you create a new object with 'new', it will be considered a new object. If you want to update a object, you need to get that object and change it. So here:
Student toUpdate = db4o.query(new Predicate<Student>() {
public boolean match(Student student) {
return pilot.rollNo.equals("44");
}).get(0); ="newName";; // Updated
That's it. db4o allway's tracks the actual objects. Not the values.
Note that you can add unique constrains to avoid mistakes. For more about updating, see documentation: