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Prevent eclipse from moving to line of code while debugging

While debugging if you press F6 you move from one line to the next one. This is usually a good thing. The problem arrives when the next step is within a decompiled class (I am using JD-Eclipse to decompile classes). The code of that class is sometimes as follows

(686)    /*      */     }
(687)    /*  967 */     boolean recordDeleted = false;
(688)    /*  968 */     for (String guid : guidLst)
(689)    /*      */     {

The debugger knows that you are on the line 687 and places the green cursor there, but that is not the actual line of the class; in this case it would be 967. Then I have to scroll all the way up to the real line and sometimes it costs a lot of time.

Is there a way to prevent eclipse from moving me through the code?


  • You can decompile the class files with the option add line numbers as comments and you will be able to realign the code with JD-Eclipse, see:

    You won't be able to decompile with line numbers if the class files are compiled with the flag -g:none:

    Do not generate any debugging information.

    Also see: Eclipse skipping lines while debugging