I just stumbled upon Adobe source libraries, ASL. It is set of templates and functions similar to boost, under MIT license. Some of the utilities in the library I found quite useful and now I consider using it.
the library seems pretty straightforward, however.
My own experience with them has been somewhat mixed. At one time, I used a couple of their Boost-wrapper classes a bit, but IIRC, within the next release or two, the bits I cared about were available in Boost without any wrappers (though offhand, I don't remember exactly what those pieces were...)
Adam and Eve are kind of cool for playing around with different UI layouts and such -- but I've never used them for a finished version of a program. At least to me, it appears that they're useful primarily with a relatively complex UI. My impression was that if you find them very useful, your UI probably needs work. If you need Adam and Eve to help understand what's going on, chances are your users can't figure out either.
OTOH, there are probably at least a few cases where a dialog is clear to a user, but the code much less so to a developer. If you do a lot of disabling some controls until values have been entered in other controls, and such, it can make it a lot easier to ensure controls are disabled until all values they depend upon have been entered.