I'm trying to package a scala project into a jar and write properties to the Manifest using Buildrs package() method.
The package seems to have no affect on the Manifest. Here's the build file:
GROUP = "Green"
COPYRIGHT = "Green CopyRight"
require 'buildr/scala'
Buildr::Scala::Scalac::REQUIRES.library = '2.8.0-SNAPSHOT'
Buildr::Scala::Scalac::REQUIRES.compiler = '2.8.0-SNAPSHOT'
Java.classpath.reject! { |c| c.to_s.index('scala') }
Java.classpath << Buildr::Scala::Scalac::REQUIRES
ENV['USE_FSC'] = 'yes'
repositories.remote << "http://www.ibiblio.org/maven2/"
desc "The Green project"
define "Green" do
project.version = VERSION_NUMBER
project.group = GROUP
package(:jar).with :manifest=>manifest.merge(
And here's the resulting Manifest:
Build-By: brianheylin
Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_17
Implementation-Title: The Green project
Main-Class: green.GreenMain
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: Buildr
Notice that neither the Implementation-Vendor or Main-Class property has been overwritten. I run Buildr as follows:
jruby -S buildr clean package
I'm using jRuby 1.4.0 and Buildr 1.3.5 (installed as a gem). Anyone any ideas on why this is the case?
I can't reproduce this issue after the initial occurrence.